e-commerce websites
What To Expect From Your Web Designer
You've done your research and settled on your site's web designer. Now what? What should you expect from your web designer? Not knowing what comes next can be both frustrating and deflating. However, we have gathered a little information so you will not feel like you are in the dark about the next step in the process.
Questions To Ask A Potential Web Designer
What To Consider When Hiring A Web Designer
e-commerce websites
What is SEO?
Understanding Google Analytics
Freelancer or Agency?
When considering a web designer, deciding if you should hire an agency or a freelancer for your project can be somewhat overwhelming. However, the first decision you will make for your project will be this one, which can prove to be the most crucial decision of the process.
How to Spot A Great Website
As someone looking into possibly getting an online presence, you are probably wondering, "how does one spot a great website?" With the vast expanse of the internet, the number of websites out there is unfathomable. However, those few are able to set themselves apart and stand out from the massive crowd. To stand out, they only have to achieve one goal – grab and hold the attention of their primary target audience.